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Posted on 03/28/2022 17:51
Those who did not withdraw the money forgotten in financial institutions in the first round will be able to request the redemption from March 28 until April 16. The Central Bank (BC) released another recap of the website Valores a Receivable [valoresareceber.bcb.gov.br]. In this new stage, the scheduling will also take place in a staggered way according to the date of birth or the date of opening of the company. But this time, each group will have a full day to schedule and not just one shift, as in the previous cycle. Check the schedule in the table:
After the conclusion of this new scheduling cycle, the consultation system will undergo a reformulation from April 17th to May 1st. Consultations will resume on May 2, at the opening of the second phase of the program, which will include more sources of funds forgotten in the financial system.
In the second stage, the forecast is that R$ 4.1 billion will be released in forgotten resources arising from undue collection of fees or credit obligations not provided for in the term of commitment; closed prepaid and postpaid payment accounts with available balance; accounts closed at brokers and dealers of securities and other situations that result in amounts to be returned recognized by financial institutions.
How to check if you have a resource
To check if there are amounts receivable, the citizen needs to access the system and inform the CPF and date of birth, for individuals, and the CNPJ and date of opening of the company for legal entities.
If you have amounts receivable, at the time of consultation, the system informs the date and period to consult and request the redemption of the existing balance.
One of the requirements to request the redemption is to be registered in the gov.br system, a Federal Government platform that centralizes hundreds of services over the internet, at the gold or silver levels. The customer must provide a Pix key for their bank account. In cases where the financial institution has not adhered to a specific term with the Central Bank, it will be necessary to inform the contact details in the system and the means of payment or transfer.
The amounts requested by users who indicated the Pix key must be returned by the institutions within 12 working days.
According to the Central Bank, until March 24, there were 2,852,109 redemption requests, between individuals and companies. The amounts of these requests reach R$ 245.8 million. In this first phase, R$ 3.9 billion forgotten in financial institutions are being released.
Understand the levels of the gov.br system
The gov.br system is a platform for the unification of the Federal Government's digital channels. Through login with CPF and password, the person has access to hundreds of services and documents. The levels depend on the degree of validation of the citizen's data. The greater the security of user data validation, in Electoral Justice bases or via digital certificate, for example, the higher the account level.
Bronze Level: this is the first account created by the user by completing the registration via an online form for data validation at the Federal Revenue or INSS.
Silver Level: when the user performs facial recognition through the gov.br application to check their photo on the basis of the Driver's License (CNH) by Senatran or validates their data via internet banking from an accredited bank.
Gold Level: when the person performs facial recognition through the gov.br application to check their photo at the Electoral Justice (TSE) bases or validates their data with a Digital Certificate compatible with ICP-Brasil.


Mr. Alessandro Jacob speaking about Brazilian Law on "International Bar Association" conference

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