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The Federal Government intends to encourage the participation of families in the schools where their children attend. For this, the Ministry of Education launched the Education and Family Program, in an online event that took place this Tuesday afternoon (21). The purpose of the program is to support schools by proposing activities that attract the presence of families.
This year alone, the initiative will reach 5,755 basic education schools across the country and the investment will be R$ 16 million. In 2022, another 17,000 schools will be covered.
“Science has found that when a child receives attention and adults read to him, he has a better post-literacy performance. That's why we launched programs like this one”, highlighted the Minister of Education, Milton Ribeiro.
The program takes into account indicators from the 2019 Basic Education Assessment System (Saeb). had a positive difference of 0.6 in the average of the Basic Education Development Index (IDEB) of the initial grades of elementary school in relation to those who strongly disagreed.
"We hope that in the future, school initiatives will be dialogued with families, thus creating an opportunity for education professionals to listen to the demands of the community, meet expectations and frustrations, dialogue about students' progress and difficulties, identify skills and vocations and even avoid evasion and abandonment”, said MEC's ​​Basic Education secretary, Mauro Rabelo.
The Program focuses on four strategic actions:
Direct Money at School Program (PDDE) Education and Family: action that will enable the transfer of financial resources to schools;
Continuing Education: will enable the qualification of the performance of the family and education professionals;
School Council: action aimed at implementing activities to strengthen the participation of representatives of the school and local communities, with emphasis on the family, in the collegiate and
Click School: application that streamlines and democratizes family and education professionals' access to educational and financial information about the school.
The adhesion of education departments to the Education and Family Program through the Integrated Monitoring, Implementation and Control System of the Ministry of Education (Simec) is essential for schools to participate in the Program's actions, including receiving financial resources. To receive PDDE Educação e Família's financial resources, the school principal must access the PDDE Interativo system, with their login and password, and click on the link referring to the school's Action Plan form.


Mr. Alessandro Jacob speaking about Brazilian Law on "International Bar Association" conference

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