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Posted on 02/14/2022 18:37
Central Bank releases consultation of amounts receivable from financial institutions
The service is available through an exclusive website for consultations with the Values ​​Receivable System - Photo: Image Bank
A millionaire figure of around R$ 8 billion is sitting in banks and financial institutions across the country, waiting to be withdrawn. That money belongs to customers, but many people or companies don't even know they have these resources.
To resolve this situation, the Central Bank started to make a consultation available to any citizen to verify possible amounts receivable from financial institutions. The service is made available through an exclusive website for consultations with the Values ​​Receivable System. The surveys were released from this Monday (14/02).
To verify or request the values, the citizen needs to access the system (valoresareceber.bcb.gov.br) and inform the CPF and date of birth, for individuals, and the CNPJ and date of opening of the company for legal entities.
If you have amounts receivable, at the time of consultation, the system informs the date and period to consult and request the redemption of the existing balance. The dates will be scheduled according to the year of birth of the person or the creation of the company. For those who were born or opened a company before 1968, the scheduling period for consulting the value and redemption will be from March 7th to 11th. For those between 1968 and 1983, the schedule will be between March 14 and 18. Finally, for those who were born or created a company after 1983, you can schedule the rescue between March 21 and 25. For those who miss these dates, there will be a repechage period one day after the deadline.
One of the requirements to request the redemption is to be registered in the Gov.br system, a Federal Government platform that centralizes hundreds of services over the internet. The customer must provide a Pix key for their account at a financial institution. In cases where the financial institution has not adhered to a specific term with the Central Bank, it will be necessary to inform the contact details in the system and the means of payment or transfer.
The release of consultations and redemptions will be done in phases. According to the Central Bank, the total estimated amount for phase 1 is R$ 4 billion for individuals and companies. The amounts requested by users who indicated the Pix key must be returned by the institutions within 12 working days.
The data and values ​​provided in the system are the responsibility of the financial institutions themselves. In some cases, the balances receivable may be of small value, but the BC advises the citizen to withdraw the money, in a simple and agile way, through the new service.
Consultations on the values ​​at rest in financial institutions were released by the Central Bank in February, through the Registrato system. But due to high demand, the site had access problems. Therefore, BC created an exclusive platform for the service. Before the system crashed, there were around 9,000 ransom requests, totaling approximately R$900,000.
Before this new role, the Central Bank only provided consultations on debts (opened or settled), opening of bank accounts (active or inactive) and remittances of money abroad.
Scam alert
The Central Bank emphasizes that the only website for consulting and requesting these values ​​is this: valorareceber.bcb.gov.br. The institution does not send links or contact people to deal with amounts receivable or to confirm personal data.
The BC warns that no one is authorized to contact the citizen on behalf of the body or the Values ​​Receivable System. Therefore, people should not click on suspicious links sent by email, SMS, WhatsApp or Telegram. They also must not make any kind of payment to have access to the values. If these requests occur, they are scams.
In this video you can check the alerts and the step by step to request the amounts to be received.
Finance, Taxes and Public Management


Mr. Alessandro Jacob speaking about Brazilian Law on "International Bar Association" conference

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