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In expansion, Profesp and João do Pulo Project start activities in 2022
The Federal Government's initiatives have a social, inclusive and educational character and, in the last year alone, they expanded, together, above 80% in the number of beneficiaries - Photo: Min. Defense
On Tuesday (22/03), at the Brasília Air Base, the ceremony took place alluding to the beginning of the activities of the Forces in Sport Program (Profesp) and the João do Pulo Project (PJP), at the national level. The initiatives of the Federal Government, through the Ministry of Defense (MD), in partnership with other ministries, have a social, inclusive and educational character and, in the last year alone, they expanded, together, above 80% in the number of beneficiaries. Currently, the projects include more than 31 thousand people.
The purpose of the actions is to promote personal appreciation; strengthening social integration and citizenship for children and adolescents; in addition to reducing the social risks of those benefited, through access to the practice of sports and socially inclusive activities, carried out in military organizations, after school hours.
The ceremony was attended by representatives of the partner ministries - Citizenship; Education; and Women, Family and Human Rights. On the occasion, the Director of the Department of Military Sports of the MD, Major-Brigadeiro do Ar João Campos Ferreira Filho, gave a presentation on the activities carried out by Profesp and the PJP in the year 2021 and on the results obtained.
For the Secretary of Personnel, Education, Health and Sports (SEPESD/MD), Lieutenant Brigadier of the Air R/1 Jeferson Domingues de Freitas, the rescue of the value of life and the transformation of the beneficiaries are the fuel for the projects to happen. “These programs captivate anyone. It is impossible not to fall in love. Here, these young people begin to see that they have the opportunity they needed,” he highlighted.
Suzanna Silva, 10 years old, lives in Riacho Fundo, in the Federal District, and participates in Profesp at the Brasília Air Base. She spoke about the happiness of being able to return to the program's activities after the Covid-19 health crisis. “I really missed sports, especially basketball. I have already told some people that I am part of the program and that, here, I learn a lot,” she said.
At the end of the ceremony, those present were able to visit the educational workshops of the Profesp nucleus at the Brasília Air Base, on the soccer field and on the multi-sport court.
Launched in 2003, Profesp is developed by the Ministry of Defense, in partnership with the Ministries of Citizenship; of Education; and Women, Family and Human Rights. The program is intended for the care of children, adolescents and young people of both sexes, from six to 18 years of age, in a situation of social vulnerability.
The partner institutions contribute to the cost of food, payment of teachers, purchase of sports equipment and uniforms. The activity takes place in approximately 140 locations across the country, with diversified activities. There is basketball; field football; athletics; poultry; rhythmic, artistic or Olympic gymnastics; martial arts; swimming; equestrianism; candle; rowing; canoeing; board games; and street games. It also offers tutoring, with preparation for competitions, activities with music, choir, theater, visits to museums and promotion of citizenship and civics.
Created in 2015 and integrated into Profesp, the João do Pulo Project is also developed in the military organizations of the Armed Forces. In the beginning, the PJP was aimed only at military personnel, with the objective of social reintegration of those who had acquired physical disabilities as a result of accidents or illnesses. In 2019, the project expanded to receive people from civil society, through partnerships with the ministries participating in Profesp and with organizations such as the Association of Parents and Friends of the Exceptional (APAE) and the Associação Vencedores Adaptados (AVA). Among the activities offered, there is the adapted sport of hippotherapy and social-inclusive actions.
With information from the Ministry of Defense
Culture, Arts, History and Sports


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