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Posted on 05/27/2022 15:28
Federal Government guarantees internet access for public school students
The law that guarantees free mobile broadband internet access for public school students - Photo: Min. communications
The President of the Republic, Jair Bolsonaro, sanctioned, last Thursday (26/05), the law that guarantees access to free internet, in mobile broadband, for students of the public basic education network who are part of families enrolled in the CadÚnico, the Single Registry for Social Programs of the Federal Government.
Called Internet Brasil, the program was created in December 2021, through a provisional measure, and includes students who attend elementary (from the 3rd year) or high school in public, municipal or state schools, including in indigenous communities. and quilombolas, and in non-profit special schools that work exclusively in this modality.
In an initial phase, the Federal Government will make chips and data packages available in cities that are already served by the Nordeste Conectado program. The pilot project provides for the distribution and maintenance of around 700,000 chips.
According to the Ministry of Communications, the program provides students with access to digital educational resources, expands their participation in non-face-to-face pedagogical activities, contributes to the expansion of internet access and to the digital inclusion of their families. In addition, the measure supports public policies that require internet access for their implementation, including Digital Government actions.
The Ministry of Communications will be responsible for implementing and coordinating the program, with the help of the Ministry of Education in monitoring and evaluation, and may use services from civil society organizations. The implementation of the measure should occur gradually, depending on the availability of resources, the technical requirements for the provision of the service and other provisions established by the Ministry.
The Internet Brazil Program comprises a set of actions integrated by the Federal Government, which is linked to the Wi-Fi Brasil, Nordeste and Norte Conectado programs and the implementation of 5G.
single registration
CadÚnico was created for the Federal Government to measure who low-income families in Brazil are and how they live. Through the Single Registry, it is possible to define who is eligible for government benefits and initiatives, such as Internet Brazil for students in the public basic education network, in addition to Auxílio Brasil, Auxílio Gás, Enem, Social Tariff for Electricity and Casa Verde Amarela, among others.
In March of this year, the Cadastro Único application was created. The tool brings more options to users, such as the possibility of self-registration, a georeferenced map with the service points closest to citizens, extract of benefits, notifications and a virtual assistant.
With modernization, new data crossings will be made from more than 36 billion records. The application is available for mobile phones on Android and IOS systems.
Education and Research


Mr. Alessandro Jacob speaking about Brazilian Law on "International Bar Association" conference

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