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On 1st trip to Latin America, Beluga 'whale' plane will land in Viracopos this Monday
The aircraft is scheduled to arrive in Campinas around 4 pm, after taking off from Fortaleza (CE), where it landed on Sunday (24). See freighter details.
By g1 Campinas and Region
 the aircraft landed this Sunday afternoon (24) in Fortaleza (CE), before heading to the Campinas metropolis.
Initially, the plane was scheduled to arrive in the capital of Ceará on Saturday (23) and in Campinas on Sunday. However, a storm in Dakar, Senegal, prevented the aircraft from taking off, which delayed the entire schedule.
2 months ago, a Ukrainian plane model Antonov landed in Viracopos; see photos
The freighter spent the night in Ceará and will take off for Viracopos at 11:30 am this Monday, according to the most recent forecast released by the concessionaire Aeroportos Brasil, which manages Campinas airport.
'Operation Beluga'
The differentiated model drew attention and attracted admirers in Fortaleza this Sunday. With that in mind, the Federal Police, the Military Highway Police (PMR) and the Campinas City Hall set up a special scheme to avoid accidents in Viracopos.
Among the planned actions is the monitoring of the Highway Police to prevent drivers from stopping on Rodovia Santos Dumont (SP-075) to see the plane. If this occurs, vehicles may be fined.
The aircraft is known for its exotic shape, which resembles a beluga whale, also known as a white whale.
According to the Airbus website, the plane is 56.16 meters long, with a height of 17.25 meters and a wing span of 44.84 meters. The freighter has a maximum payload of 40 tons, with a maximum range of 1,650 kilometers (km), depending on the amount of fuel and cargo.
The company indicated that the aircraft is available to freight companies as a means of transporting larger loads, having one of the largest luggage compartments among civil or military aircraft today.


Mr. Alessandro Jacob speaking about Brazilian Law on "International Bar Association" conference

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