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The pre-candidate for the presidency, influencer, and motivational coach Pablo Marçal (Pros) won the pages of newspapers earlier this year when an expedition led by him amid adverse weather conditions needed to rescue in Piquete (SP). The trail was part of the “The Worst Year of Your Life” training program. In addition to the near-tragedy that generated an investigation for attempted murder, the coach's methodology also generated complaints that he had ruined the year of pupils.
Three months after starting the program, lasting one year and monthly installments of R$ 599, a woman asked for the cancellation and filed a lawsuit in the court of the state of Goiás against Pablo Marçal's company, Marçal Serviços Digitais, claiming compensation. for moral damages, in addition to compensation for lost wages after having resigned under the influence of the coach.
She had left behind the income of R$ 1,500, because, as she stated in the lawsuit, Pablo Marçal – Titi, for his followers – preached that “we should not be CLT, given that 'we were born to prosper, he believes that everyone should choose to undertake, that we should listen to our 'heart' that we came to prosper, not to be enslaved”.
Pablo Marçal's program proposes to have the worst year of your life, and then live the best. For this, the student was ready to “shed tears, blood, sweat, and fat”. In the first classes, activities involved reading books, usually self-help books, recommended weekly; reading the Bible; and fasting for one meal a day. Then there were live classes broadcast from 4:52 am on Mondays, as Marçal preaches the need to wake up before the sun rises as an ingredient for success.
+JOTA: Justice cannot summon Pablo Marçal to ban activities in nature
Months before starting the annual program, the woman had attended lectures on the IP Method, which promises to eliminate emotional blocks that prevent a full life and achieve exponential results in personal, professional, and spiritual life. It was at that moment that, believing in “this bullshit”, as the woman's lawyers claim, she would have decided to ask to be dismissed from the office where she worked. At the time, she was treating symptoms related to depression.
She would have resigned “she was so psychologically disturbed after the immersion” and sent a message informing the coach about the change. Two weeks later, and the day before applications for the one-year program ended, he replied, “Now don't look back. Congratulations on the difficult decision.” Because she felt cheated, she requested the payment of lost profits, which she did not receive due to the dismissal, during the period.
“Intentionally, the content producer made, and still makes, moves on the internet to attract vulnerable people who are not satisfied with some circumstance in their life, be it spiritual (because he is a theologian), those who want to form a family, or who are not professionally satisfied (because he became a great entrepreneur)”, accused the former consumer.
The argument did not convince Judge Leonys Lopes Campos da Silva, of the 5th Special Civil Court of Goiânia. "There is no evidence or evidence that the author's dismissal was due to the speaker's speech, basing the request, with due permission, on conjecture dissonant from reality", said the judge, in a decision last October, to then deny the claim for lost profits.
“Now, if she decided to leave the office where she worked, she did it of her own free will,” he continued. Therefore, he did not respond to the request for compensation for moral damages of R$ 10 thousand. The argument, in this aspect, was that the installments charged after the cancellation of the course added to debts to the woman, who would be pressured to have her name included in debtor lists.


Mr. Alessandro Jacob speaking about Brazilian Law on "International Bar Association" conference

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