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Photo: Brazilian Army
More than half of Brazilian voters agree that active-duty military and police officers should be prevented from holding political positions in the federal executive. Today, the Constitution prohibits these military, state or federal, from joining political parties and participating in demonstrations, but they can hold civil positions in public administration – in 2020, there were 6,200 members of the Armed Forces in the federal government.
In total, 52% of voters polled by Nosso Papo Reto, an initiative of JOTA and the Brazilian Institute for Research and Data Analysis (IBPAD), are in favor of the ban. Those who disagree are 33% in a sample of 5,000 Brazilians interviewed.
Positioning varies according to voters' political preferences. Among those who said they preferred Lula's (PT) presidential candidacy, 65% agreed that active duty military personnel should not occupy executive positions; the number drops to 31% among potential Bolsonaro voters (PL). Ciro Gomes (PDT) responded positively 62% of the time, and 70% among those who chose Simone Tebet (MDB).
Quiz do Nosso Papo Reto aims to encourage dialogue by demonstrating that there are more opinions that bring Brazilians closer together than separate them. Click here to play!
The Nosso Papo Reto website demonstrates that dialogue between people who vote for candidates from opposite poles or have different opinions is possible – and, more than that, recommended.
The survey results gave rise to a quiz in which participants are invited to try to guess how supporters of other political groups think about relevant topics on the national agenda. At the end, there is a comparison between the response expectation and what the other group responded.
In the case of the military active in the government, there is a gap between the perception of people who consider themselves left or right on the opposite spectrum and what they actually think. 46% of people who classified themselves as right-wing agreed with the phrase, but people on the left thought the number would be lower, at 31%.
Conversely, 51% of people who recognize themselves as left-wing agreed, but right-wing voters thought that a larger proportion, 65%, would be in favor of the ban.
Source: J


Mr. Alessandro Jacob speaking about Brazilian Law on "International Bar Association" conference

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