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Amid the campaign for a useful vote at the national level, pedetista sees his candidate in third place in the local dispute, behind PT chosen after the end of an alliance that lasted 16 years

By Jovem Pan 09/22/2022 19:43
Ciro Gomes
This is the fourth time that Ciro Gomes runs for president
With ten days to go before the elections, the presidential candidate Ciro Gomes (PDT) has been facing a series of difficulties to be seen as a viable option in the voting. At the beginning of the presidential race, the pedetista presented himself as a third option for voters who wanted an alternative to the fight between former President Luis Inácio Lula da Silva (PT) and President Jair Bolsonaro (PL), who polarized the race to Planalto Palace. However, since then, the pedestrian has not managed to reach double digits and, in some surveys, appears technically tied with Senator Simone Tebet (MDB). In recent weeks, the former minister has been raising his tone against Lula – earlier this week, he called the former ally a “liar” and a “thief”. As Jovem Pan showed, the strategy caused a rift in his party. Despite the inflamed rhetoric, Gomes has the support of the PDT leadership, but sees the useful vote campaign haunting his fourth presidential bid. More than the mishaps at the national level, the most recent survey by IPEC for the government of the State of Ceará shows that Ciro Gomes also faces a problem in his electoral stronghold.
According to the survey, the former mayor of Fortaleza Roberto Cláudio (PDT) is in third place in the dispute for the government of Ceará, with 22% of the voting intentions. The leader in the race for the Palácio da Abolição is Elmano Freitas, chosen by the Workers' Party (PT) for the election after the pedestrians, with the endorsement of Ciro Gomes, launched Cláudio to the detriment of the current governor, Izolda Cela (PDT), preferred of Camilo Santana (PT), in a movement that caused the rupture of the two acronyms after 16 years of alliance. Freitas has 30% of voting intentions – the PT rose 8 points in relation to the poll on September 15th. Federal deputy Capitão Wagner, from União Brasil, appears in second place, with 29% of voting intentions.
The IPEC also shows that Ciro Gomes will need to climb a mountain if he wants, at least, to win in Ceará, where he was governor from 1991 to 1994. According to the institute, former President Lula has 57% of voting intentions in Ceará. , compared to 19% for President Jair Bolsonaro and 14% for pedestrians. By way of comparison, in the 2018 presidential election, when he finished the first round in third place, Ciro won the state with 40.95% of the voting intentions. Four years later, he reaches the final days of the campaign with about a third of those votes.




Mr. Alessandro Jacob speaking about Brazilian Law on "International Bar Association" conference

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