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Known territory lives in or transits between the basins of the Napo River and its tributaries, Arabela and Curaray, detailed the ministry
By Jovem Pan 09/03/2022 06:50 am
Deforestation in the Amazon
Deforestation in the Amazon has been on the rise in recent years. Photo from 2017.
Peru has recognized the existence of indigenous peoples in isolation in the area that includes the request for the creation of the Napo, Tigre and Afluentes Indigenous Reserve (SRINT), in the Amazon region of Loreto, according to the country's Ministry of Culture this Friday, 2 A decree published in the official newspaper “El Peruano” protects the rights of the Aewa, Taushiro, Tagaeri, Taromenane and Záparo peoples “who live or transit” between the basins of the Napo River and its tributaries, Arabela and Curaray, the ministry detailed. In this sense, the Deputy Minister of Interculturality, Rocilda Nunta, highlighted that this recognition “is an essential step” for the process of requesting the indigenous reserve, which the Ministry of Culture is processing to guarantee the protection of rights, habitat and conditions of existence and integrity of isolated peoples. “We will continue to move forward. Now it is time for the additional categorization study, which gathers legal, environmental and anthropological information on the area, to present the proposal for territorial delimitation of the aforementioned reservation request, based on the results and evidence collected”, explained Nunta.
The decree formalized the approval of the preliminary reconnaissance study, which collected anthropological information on evidence of the presence of uncontacted peoples and was approved on June 25 by a commission established by the “Law for the Protection of Indigenous or Native Peoples in Isolation and Initial and its regulations”. The norm orders to guarantee “the protection of the rights of indigenous peoples” in isolation through mechanisms and measures that will be coordinated and articulated by the Ministry of Culture with the national Executive and the respective regional and local governments. The decree also indicated that “the categorization procedure” of the respective indigenous reserves must be carried out within the deadline established in Peruvian law and under the direction of the Ministry of Culture.
*With information from EFE


Mr. Alessandro Jacob speaking about Brazilian Law on "International Bar Association" conference

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