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The measure for granting credit by beneficiaries was suspended since November 1st; Federal Audit Court guided the freezing of the modality
By Jovem Pan 11/14/2022 1:50 pm
Brazil aid
Auxílio Brasil is a social program of the federal government that consists of transferring income to families in social vulnerability.
Caixa Econômica Federal resumed contracting the payroll loan to beneficiaries of Auxílio Brasil since 7 am on Monday, 14th. in payment and in the absence of disclosure of extra fees. On October 24, the Federal Audit Court (TCU) guided the freezing of payroll-deductible loans and demanded explanations about the modality offered to beneficiaries of the Aid. In the body's recommendation, Minister Aroldo Cedraz argued that Caixa should suspend the release of new loans "as a measure of zeal with the public interest, until this Court examines the documentation to be forwarded and understands it capable of demonstrating that the serious problems are not present. irregularities suggested in the representation”. In the payroll-deductible modality, the discount of the installments is carried out directly at source, that is, in the monthly amount of the benefit. According to rules established by the federal government, the granting of the loan is limited to 40% of the monthly amount of Auxílio Brasil. For a benefit of R$ 400, the amount of the installment will be, at most, R$ 160. The interest established by the Ministry of Citizenship is 3.5% per month, however, each financial institution may exercise a different rate of way that the imposed ceiling is respected. According to the ministry, there are 14 financial institutions qualified to offer payroll loans to beneficiaries of Auxílio Brasil. At Caixa, interest is 3.45% per month and, if the benefit is canceled without the loan being paid off, it will be necessary to pay the installments directly to the bank.


Mr. Alessandro Jacob speaking about Brazilian Law on "International Bar Association" conference

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